This page was exported from Valid Premium Exam [ ] Export date:Thu Sep 19 22:30:56 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Authentic Best resources for CAS-PA Test Engine Practice Exam [Q10-Q29] --------------------------------------------------- Authentic Best resources for CAS-PA Test Engine Practice Exam [2022] CAS-PA PDF Questions - Perfect Prospect To Go With ValidExam Practice Exam Learn the skills you need to pass the CAS-PA Exam Boost your knowledge and skills to pass the CAS-PA exam Find Out Everything You Need To Know About This Cloud-Based IT Solution The ServiceNow Certified Associate ServiceNow Certified Associate (CAS-PA) certification is one of the most important ServiceNow certifications that can be obtained. The CAS-PA certification is a professional certification that proves that the person has the skills and knowledge needed to work in a ServiceNow environment. If you are planning to work in a ServiceNow environment, you should go for the CAS-PA certification. Because the CAS-PA certification is a prerequisite for any person who wants to work in the ServiceNow platform. CAS-PA Dumps is the source for CAS-PA Certification, it will help you to get access to all the premium answers to the questions in your exam. The values of CAS-PA Certification are increasing day by day and the certification is one of the most valued certifications. Those who wish to get CAS-PA certification should have enough knowledge and skills to perform the configuration, implementation, and maintenance of a ServiceNow Performance Analytics solution. In this study guide, we will provide you with all the information that you need to prepare for the ServiceNow CAS-PA certification. We will cover the preparation process, the exam objectives, and the exam format. We will also cover all the details of the CAS-PA certification, including the cost, the registration process, and the exam fee. We will also share resources that you can use to prepare for the CAS-PA certification. If you are ready to learn about the ServiceNow CAS-PA certification, then you can start reading this study guide. What is the purpose of the ServiceNow CAS-PA Certification Exam? The main purpose of the CAS-PA Certification Exam is to the candidates with knowledge about the ServiceNow platform. The ServiceNow CAS-PA Certification Exam will test the candidate's knowledge about the data collection, data visualization, and configuration of indicators. The settings of the CAS-PA Exam are similar to the real-world scenario. The removed options are to be covered in the ServiceNow CAS-PA Certification Exam.   NO.10 Which of the following styling options is NOT available with the data visualisation component configuration in workspaces?  Sort on categories in bar, pie, and donut visualisations based on table data sources.  Set default, palette, or single colour options for data display.  Change score sizes of single score visualisations.  Create a newvisualisation type with predefined styling. The data visualisation component configuration adds more options and an enhanced user interface.You can configure new visualisations in Workspace from tables and indicators using the Data Visualisation configuration.From the UI Builder, you can add visualisations to your landing page based on Performance Analytics and Reporting data. Configure a new visualisation by dragging the Data Visualisation configuration icon onto the Stage pane.The following styling options are added in the Quebec release:* Show or hide a visualisation component header on a landing page, along with its label and icons.* Change score sizes of single score visualisations.* Set default, palette, or single colour options for data display.* Sort on categories in bar, pie, and donut visualisations based on table data sources.* Define data label positions and show labels that overlap on bar visualisations.Creating a new visualisation type is not an available styling option.NO.11 What related list in the formula indicator record is used to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or to their indicator sources?  Breakdowns  Contributing Indicators  Indicator Groups  Managed Sources Formula indicator records now include a ‘Contributing indicators’ related list.Use this list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their indicator sources.If you include another formula indicator in the formula, both that indicator and its contributing indicators are listed.NO.12 How do you create and associate breakdowns on the breakdown source form?  By selecting the ‘New’ button on the ‘Breakdowns’ related list  From the ‘Additional actions’ menu  From the ‘Create Breakdowns’ related link  By adding multiple ‘Facts tables’ under the Source tab A breakdown source is defined as a set of records from a table or database view or as a bucket group. Multiple breakdowns can use the same breakdown source.Breakdown sources specify which unique values, called breakdown elements, a breakdown contains.Breakdown source records have a related list that lists the breakdowns that are based on that source. You can create a breakdown by selecting the ‘New’ button while in this list. The list works like the Indicators list on indicator source records.Other options in this question do not exist on the breakdown source form.After you create breakdowns that use this source, these breakdowns are listed in the Breakdowns tab.NO.13 Which of the following can you do when you set a target for an indicator on the Analytics Hub? (Choose three.)  Set the improvement as a percentage.  Set a review date on which to consider updating the target.  Set the threshold as an improvement on the average score.  Set a start date in the future. You can set target values for indicators. When you set a target for an indicator on the Analytics Hub, you can now do the following:* Set a start date in the future.* Set a review date on which to consider updating the target.* Set the target as an improvement on the average score or on the previous target. You can set the improvement as a percentage.You can have the targets apply only to specific breakdown elements and time series. The target starts to apply at a selected date and continues to apply until you set the next target. However, you can set a review date on which to reconsider the target.NO.14 What role or access do users need to act on a signal to reset a baseline or dismiss a signal?  Responsible users without workspace access  Users with the admin. pa_admin. or pa_kpi_signal_admin role without being a responsible user  Only users with the admin role  Users irrespective of their level of responsibility Users with the admin, pa_admin, or pa_kpi_signal_admin role can reset a baseline or dismiss a signal without being a responsible user.Users with other roles must become responsible users to take such actions. These users also need a role that gives them access to a relevant workspace.You can assign responsibility for KPI Signals for a KPI to yourself or someone else. You can also unassign responsibility.NO.15 Which of the following visualisation types allow you to add multiple data sources of the same type in the UI Builder? (Choose two.)  Single Score  Time Series  Pie and donuts  Bars You can add multiple data sources of the same type for time series (including Area, Column, Line, Stepline, and Spline) and bar (including Horizontal bar and Vertical bar) visualisations.NO.16 How are responsible users reminded when a signal remains unresolved?  Via Virtual Agent  Via Connect Chat  By email notification  By text message As a responsible user, you receive email reminders about signals that have not been resolved.You can configure how frequently you get these reminders and the maximum number of reminders to get for a signal.Responsible users get email notifications about the following:* New signals* Unresolved signals* Actions to resolve signals* ‘Anti-signals,’ which indicate that a KPI is long-term stableEven responsible users without workspace access get these email notifications.NO.17 Which of the following data update settings for single score visualisations shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated?  Show score update time  Real time update  Background refresh interval (minutes)  Follow filters ‘Show score update time’ shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated.‘Follow filters’ set for a workspace page. When enabled, the visualisation displays on a workspace with the filters set by the page. Toggle off to disable a visualisation from accepting any filter input.‘Background refresh interval (minutes)’ shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the visualisation if you have navigated away from it.‘Real time update’ updates score in real-time.NO.18 What calendar type can you use to analyse scores using time periods?  Team Calendar  Maintenance Calendar  Custom Business Calendar  On-Call Calendar Analyse scores using time periods from a custom business calendar instead of only the standard calendar.When you are creating an Indicator Source, you can select either the standard calendar or a business calendar defined on the instance.If you use a business calendar, you can create data collection jobs that run on the Business Calendar: Entry start or Business Calendar: Entry end times.If you select a business calendar, you have the Calendar Frequency field. This field is required. The business calendar you selected determines the range of available frequencies.(Optional) If you have configured this indicator source to use a business calendar, set the number of periods to retain scores and snapshots and find seasonal patterns.NO.19 Which of the following can be used across all the visualisations in a workspace?  Signal  Dashboard Builder  Studio  User Experience filter Create a single User Experience filter for use across all the visualisations in a workspace.The filter you create is available in the workspace in which you created it.For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters. Loading … Best updated resource for CAS-PA Online Practice Exam: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-09-11 16:16:50 Post date GMT: 2022-09-11 16:16:50 Post modified date: 2022-09-11 16:16:50 Post modified date GMT: 2022-09-11 16:16:50