C100DBA PDF Pass Leader, C100DBA Latest Real Test [Q27-Q45]

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C100DBA PDF Pass Leader, C100DBA Latest Real Test

Valid C100DBA Test Answers & C100DBA Exam PDF

Actionable MongoDB C100DBA Exam Questions

This is the process of data retrieval in MongoDB. Backup your data to ensure that it is safe from any kind of loss in the future. Syllabus for MongoDB Certified Developer certification, which is the most important option for certification preparation. Confirm your knowledge about this exam with the help of online learning at FDT Training. City, which is the most important option for MongoDB certification. This is the only entry-level certification available for MongoDB. If you like to test your knowledge of MongoDB technology and want to take one exam, then this is the right option for you. Material No cost for MongoDB Certified Developer, which is the most important option for certification preparation. Access your MongoDB database to external users.

The MongoDB C100DBA exam is a comprehensive test that covers a wide range of topics related to database administration with MongoDB. The exam covers topics such as installation and configuration of MongoDB, data modeling, indexing, replication, sharding, security, and administration. The exam is designed to test the candidate’s ability to perform tasks related to these topics and to demonstrate their understanding of the underlying concepts.


NO.27 Which of the following operator can be used to limit the number of documents in an array field of a document after an update is performed?


NO.28 Which of the following aggregate commands in MongoDB uses a pipeline approach with the goals of improving the aggregation performance?


NO.29 The following aggregation option is used to specify the specific fields that needs to be passed to the next stage of the aggregation pipeline:


NO.30 A collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to which of the SQL concepts respectively?


NO.31 You have the following index on the toys collection:
“manufacturer” : 1,
“name” : 1,
“date” : -1
Which of the following is able to use the index for the query? Check all that apply.


NO.32 What is the maximum size of a MongoDB document


NO.33 We can insert multiple documents in bulk using which of the following operations:


NO.34 When should we consider representing a one-to-many relationship in an embedded collection instead of separate collection?


NO.35 ‘mongoimport’ command is used for


NO.36 In a collection that contains 100 post documents, what does the following command do? db. posts.


NO.37 Which of the following is true of the mechanics of replication in MongoDB? Check all that apply.


NO.38 If you have created a compound index on (A,B, C) which of the following access pattern will not be able to utilize the index?


NO.39 JSON stands for


NO.40 In a sharded replicas set environment with multiple mongos servers, which of the following would decide the mongos failover?


NO.41 Consider the following document from the products collection:

What does the following query using $elemMatch return? db.products.find( { product_code: “345678” }, { variations: { $elemMatch: { size: ^L^ } } } )


NO.42 Which of the following is correct about MongoDB?


NO.43 Which command is used to determine storage capacity of specific database?


NO.44 Consider the following document:
> db.c.find()
{ “_id” : 12, b : [ 3, 5, 7, 2, 1, -4, 3, 12 ] }
Which of the following queries on the “c” collection will return only the first five elements of the array in the
field? E.g.,
Document you want returned by your query:
{ “_id” : 12, “b” : [ 3, 5, 7, 2, 1 ] >


NO.45 Which operations add new documents to a collection?


C100DBA Dumps Ensure Your Passing: https://www.validexam.com/C100DBA-latest-dumps.html


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