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NO.48 Contrast ratio should be measured from __________ locations within the viewing area.Response:  All  Two  Four  Five NO.49 An AV integrator’s documentation that includes scope of work, definition of systems, and responsibilities should be defined in which of the following documents?Response:  Commissioning punch list  Systems specification  Schematic design narrative  Project submittals NO.50 Which is an important consideration for AV designers concerning a client’s existing wireless network?Response:  QoS could be minimized.  Variable bandwidth dynamics issues.  Integration of POS equipment into the system.  Data security/encryption issues. NO.51 When you’ve identified a security risk, you can avoid it, accept it, transfer it, or __________.Response:  Mitigate it  Change it  Eliminate it  Reconfigure it NO.52 Considering a 2400 watt lighting dimmer is available, the design load for the system should NOT exceed:Response:  1300 watt  2400 watt  1920 watt  1750 watt NO.53 To transport audio using AVB/TSN, you must have at least __________ Ethernet.Response:  10 Mbps  10 Gbps  1 Gbps  100 Mbps NO.54 In an AV project involving a courtroom, sightlines from the jury box are obscured by an architectural feature. How should the issue be addressed?Response:  Consult with the end user on the best way to address the obscurity  Instruct the lead technician to request a construction change directive to address the problem  Generate a request for information  Move the required equipment to an unobscured location NO.55 Which of the following is a type of control system?Response:  Cloud-based  Computer-driven  Habitual learning  All of the above NO.56 What formula is used to predict the transmission loss of single-layer, impermeable materials?Response:  Mass law  Ohm’s law  Frequency coefficient  Inverse square law NO.57 What systems should be included when drawing AV network diagrams?Response:  The connected devices, cabling system, wireless links  Lighting and projection, noise synching, ambient noise reduction  Sprinkler system, ceiling plan, touch panel, plumbing runs  Signal control, audio auditing, laser conduit NO.58 Which of the following is a mitigation strategy for addressing security risks introduced by AV systems?Response:  Putting AV systems on a VLAN  Hiring a security expert  Building a firewall  Setting all passwords to “password” NO.59 Calculating for loudspeaker coverage takes into account which of the following?Response:  Dispersal patterns, room dimensions, and number of speakers  Ceiling height, listeners’ ear height, and the speaker’s angle of coverage  Number of listeners, type of audio, speaker power  Number of speakers, type of speakers, acoustic treatments NO.60 If you have a projector that is 2500 ANSI lumens on a 5.5 m2 standard matte white screen, what should be the limits of the task lighting? Note that the projector specification is derated by 25 percent.Response:  515 to 1001 lux  113.6 to 1022.7 lux  120 to 175 lux  527 to 632 lux NO.61 According to the ANSI/INFOCOMM 3M-2011 standard, Projected Image System Contrast Ratio, what is the minimum contrast ratio of basic decision-making tasks?Response:  15:1  80:1  7:1  50:1 NO.62 What factors MUST be considered when designing and drawing rack elevation diagrams?Response:  User mobility, competence of the technician, quality of the rack material  Amount of RJ-45 connectors used, amount of conduit used  Equipment manufacturer, model year of equipment, number of USB ports  Ergonomics, weight distribution, RF and IR reception, heat loads, signal separation NO.63 The main considerations when selecting a cable shield are:Response:  Materials, permeability, and conductors  Coverage, flexibility, and frequency range  Cable types, gauge, and interference  Impedance, flexibility, and materials NO.64 The first step when determining conduit capacity for cable should be to determine the:Response:  Wire dimensions exclusive of insulation multiplied by 3.1459  Allowable fill percentage based upon local codes and regulations  Bend radius for all cables utilized in the installation  Cable resistance and multiply by a factor of 5 NO.65 What is the purpose of mapping in human-centered interface design?Response:  Lay out the design for clear understanding  Signal what actions are possible and how they should be done  Communicate what the design can or cannot do  Communicate the results of an action NO.66 Under what circumstances might you advise a client to implement a multi-point video conferencing control unit?Response:  For international video conferencing  For video streaming a conference  For connecting 2 codecs from different manufacturers  For distance learning to 8 classrooms NO.67 An image constraint token onscreen indicates a problem with __________.Response:  HDMI  UHDTV  EDID  HDCP  Loading … Updated CTS-D Dumps Questions For AVIXA Exam: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2025-03-07 11:09:55 Post date GMT: 2025-03-07 11:09:55 Post modified date: 2025-03-07 11:09:55 Post modified date GMT: 2025-03-07 11:09:55